Subject Re: [IBO] Press ESC on IB_LookupCombo on IBO 4.2.Ea
Author Geoff Worboys
> Every time I press ESC on IB_LookupCombo i get the message:
> FieldName: XXXXX not found.
> I try it on Contact example, on TYPE field, and is the same.

This usually means that one of the definitions is
incomplete/incorrect. If you post the details of your lookup dataset
KeyLinks, KeyDescLinks and the lookupcombo settings perhaps we can
offer more specific help.

As for the contact example, make sure you are using a new copy of the
database, it has changed - not sure when. I also had problems when I
first tried the application because I still had an old copy of the
contact.gdb database sitting on my system from earlier experiments.
When I deleted the old one and let the sample app create a new
database everything seemed to work as expected.


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing