Subject Re: [IBO] Which ist the best 3.6 Version?
Author Jason Wharton
The first issue is not a really bug, it is actually a designed feature with
an irritating side effect. (How's that for dodging a bullet?) There is a
workaround. You need to set your session properties such that it won't allow
default connection. Then it will store it in the DFM. If your app is single
threaded, use the TIB_SessionProps component to do this. If it is
multi-threaded then use the TIB_Session component.

As for the AssignSQLWithSearch() method I was not aware it had a problem. If
you can send me a sample app demonstrating a bug I will fix it and release a
new version.

Is there anything preventing you from migrating up to version 4?

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gunther Buchtala" <gubu@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2001 4:03 AM
Subject: [IBO] Which ist the best 3.6 Version?

> Now I am using the IBO 3.6i, but there are a lot of bugs in this Version,
> for example:
> IB_Connection is not stored,
> AssignSQLwithSearch does not work....
> ...
> Now, which ist the best 3.6 Version to use in a project?
> Will there be a fixed 3.6 Version? 3.6j???