Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Connection crash on app. close
Author Jason Wharton
This is a problem with interbase/firebird itself.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pirtea Calin" <pcalin@...>
Newsgroups: egroups.ibobjects
To: <>
Sent: Friday, August 03, 2001 12:50 PM
Subject: [IBO] TIB_Connection crash on app. close

> Hello again.
> When using events with firebird 9.5.156 the app. crashes on close.
> There is a procedure for tib_connection called requestreconnect that is
> called by every tib_events
> if protocol is diferent from cplocal (for ibo 3) and dbODS_Version<10 (for
> ibo 4)
> I suppose that some versions of ib6 have fixed the gds32.dll (i don't know
> why i remember that as the source
> of the problem, please correct me if i'm wrong) but at least in firebird
> problem is still there.
> I was very much surprised to see this kind of error (the app crashes on
> exit) since i knew that in ibo3
> it worked just fine, so i'm asking if it is posible to change back the
> to verify only the protocol and not
> the ODS_Version if you think it is apropriate. Otherwise adding that line
> code in my app is no big deal.
> Still if someone else (many others) experiences the same problem it could
> usefull to be automated in ibo ...
> Regards, Pirtea Calin.