Subject transaction params in IB_SQL?
i don't know delphi, and i don't know IBO, i'm just an
IB_SQL user, but hopefully someone can help anyway.

we've been having a problem using IB_SQL (aka IB_WISQL).
all of our application clients (in perl and in C) are using
read committed, record version, no wait.
as long as ib_sql is not in the picture, everything is fine.

however, as soon as one of us starts using ib_sql, then
we start getting these errors:
-lock conflict on no wait transaction

this is what i would expect *if* IB_SQL were setting more
aggressive transaction options, such as snapshat
(aka "concurrency" aka "repeatable read").

but we *are* setting the transaction isolation in IB_SQL to
"read committed", with LockWait not checked.
in theory this should match what our other clients are doing.
but perhaps the cursor window of ib_sql is not using those
transaction options?
or maybe there is some other bug?

unfortunately interbase has essentially no server-side monitoring
and control capabilities, so it is difficult to say for sure.
but we definitely only have this problem when using ib_sql.

oh, and what is the difference between "AutoCommit" and
"Server AutoCommit"?
