Subject Syntax of JOIN for STORED PROCEDURE
Author Jeroen W. Pluimers (mailings)

> >join VacancyOverView(vacancyturnaroundtimereport.companyid,
> >vacancyturnaroundtimereport.vacancyid)
> > on 1=1
> This isn't valid join syntax.

So how do I join the output of a stored procedure with a regular table or
view then?

I use this:

select TableA.something
, ProcedureB.something
from TableA
join ProcedureB(TableA.Field1, TableA.Field1)
on 1=1

The "ON 1=1" will perform the JOIN for ALL records in TableA, which is
exactly what I want.

Jeroen W. Pluimers
Consultant at All I M