Subject Re: [IBO] IB_StoredProc crashes
> I don't know if its a CBuilder problem, I doesn't have a Delphi5
> Licence, but I can reproduce the error at design time too.

OK I have a simple Builder5 setup that gives the fault. It's
TIB_Statement::API_CheckStatement on the stored proc when it
is opening the form. Which runs through to
TIB_Connection::SetDatabase, but the database access has not
been enabled yet so it can't set up the Select. Obviously
something is firing that needs the open connection, but
should be skipped until later.

Seems to be OK if you switch StoredProcForSelect=true after
opening the database, but I would need to get the procedure
to do something real to check.

Is your setup OK if you put StoredProcForSelect=true before
the Prepare? That could be a short term workround.

I don't have time to did any deeper, but if Geoff has any
ideas I can package my sample.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services