Subject Re: [IBO] IB_StoredProc crashes
the IB_SessionProps StoreActive' is false. Its a great property to
test connections or so at design time, but if the appl. runs the
query's or so are closed at first.So I never set it true.

I don't know if its a CBuilder problem, I doesn't have a Delphi5
Licence, but I can reproduce the error at design time too.


the IB
--- In IBObjects@y..., lester@l... wrote:
> > Its happens at application starts, before any onCreate Event is
> > I used a TDataModule which holds the IB_StoredProc. In CBuilder
> > exists an Event TDataModule.onCreate wich is fired after executing
> > Constructor. Here I prepared the IB_StoredProc.
> > But before I can prepare, therefor before TDataModule.onCreate, I
> > the described exception.
> I don't use IB_StoredProc ( perhaps I should be now ) but I
> have similar problems to this if things are left Open in the
> design environment. In IB_SessionProps there is a
> 'StoreActive'. If this is set to false then everthing has to
> be opened in the runtime application. Leaving it at true
> starts the application by opening those things that were
> already open - I then get 'Can't change already open' as the
> simple problem. StoreActive = false firxes that for me.
> > I solve this problem by setting
> > StoredProcForSelect to false and StoredProcHasDML to true. Don't
> > why but so it works and I can start my application.
> I think that this is switching off opening the IB_StoredProc
> as a query, instead it has to be executed. So when the
> application opens it does not open it.
> Builder does seem to do some things in different ways to
> Delphi so we see problems which Jason does not normally see.
> --
> Lester Caine
> -----------------------------
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services