Subject Speed up ordering
Author Luiz Alves
I have the next query:
select * from clientes

prontuario=pront;pront desc;
paciente=upnome;upnome desc;


The 'upnome' column is the uppercase equivalent to 'nome' column.

I have index asc and desc on both fields 'pront' and 'upnome' and keylinks
was configurated.

I have tested horizontal dataset refinement and works very well.

Using an IB_Grid, when I try change the order from columns clicking on
header of this columns, I have noted a long time to recall again the rows
and the message saying that IBO is fetching query results.

Is there a way to speed up this task of change the ordering of the fields in
IBO 4?

Is there some new settings in tib_query to do it?

Thanks in advance,
