Subject Problems with TIBOQuery.Params
Author Fabiano Di Grazia Bonin
I'm using a TIBOQuery in a form with the following statement:

select *
from cad1
where ( :name = '*' or like '%' || :name || '%' )

I want that, when the parameter = '*', it shows all records, and when
the parameter is another thing, it filter the records.

I noticed that when I prepared the query, IBO creates two params
called 'name', one type text(1) and the other type vartext(50)

When I assign the value to the parameter (IBOQuery1.ParamByName
('name').AsString := 'test' ), then value of the first parameter
is 't', and the value of the second parameter is not 'test', but some
unreadable characters.

What's the problem with this?