Subject Need help with variable/field values
Hi Everyone,

I have set up ten variables (one...ten). I have also set up fields
in the table with the same names. Through a loop I am assigning a
value to each of the ten variables but I am unsure how to assign the
value to the field in the table. The form this is on won't always be
open so I need the values in the table so that I can access them from
another form by using the data module. I've got everything working
but this part.

if (Mask[I] = '-') or (Seg = 10) then
If Seg = 1 then
One := J;
If Seg = 2 then
Two := J;

I tried ... If Seg = 1 then dmdXXXXX.frmForm.FieldByName('ONE') :=

but this gets an error saying it cannot be assigned from the left.

What is the simplest way to assign this numeric value to this field?

Thanks :)
