Subject Re: [IBO] Creating a database on the fly using IBO
Author Dominik Murk
We had similar problem once. I don't know if you create (via script)
database onbeforeconnect event, but if you do than, after database is
created you have to disconect first from database and than reconnect.

Dominik Murk

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Schmidt" <paul@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 2:37 PM
Subject: [IBO] Creating a database on the fly using IBO

> Dear List:
> I am trying to create a database on the fly, and it doesn't want to
> work. Okay, the database doesn't exist, so I set up a IB_Script
> object, I set up the connection, including the database name,
> username (SYSDBA), password, servername, and protocol type, hey it's
> enough to open an existing database, I load the SQL into the script,
> it
> looks like this:
> CREATE DATABASE 'lnxsrvr:/var/ib_data/dbmsname.gdb' USER 'SYSDBA'
> PASSWORD 'masterkey';
> I execute the SQL and get your username and password are not defined,
> please talk to your administr...
> I am the #@$%! administrator and the username and password are
> correct!!!!
> What have I missed here?
> IBO 3.6.Di/ Delphi 3/Firebird 0.9.4/RH 6.1 on server, Win95A on
> workstation.
> Paul Schmidt,
> Tricat Technologies
> Email: paul@...
> Website:
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