Subject ANN: EMS QuickDesk 2.0.2
Author Vadim Vinokur
Dear Sirs and Madams,

EMS HiTech company is announcing the
next version (2.0.2) of QuickDesk --
The Best InterBase Administration and Development Tool.

You can download newest version from

What's new in version 2.0?

In this new version we have made a number of significant changes related to
application of window control organization. The new optimized structure of
classes of object editors allows you to support plug-ins built in the
editors better, as well as to use of the new features of windows control
inside QuickDesk.

Now you can easily switch between different objects in any editor, so you do
not have to call DB Explorer to open a new editor session. For any kinds of
objects, such as domains, tables, views etc., there is a built-in drop-down
down list containing all objects of the desired type. By choosing any of
them, you can load a new object in the open editor. You can also use our new
navigation toolbar, which is located on the main toolbar panel. By pushing a
button you can either created an object of the specified type, or activate
the last used editor of object of this type. Buttons located on the
Navigation toolbar also have a drop-down menu containing the list of all
open editors of the respective type. It is really easy to switch between
different object editors sessions.

We have changed the object editors themselves. In particular, we introduced
the new feature Object Explorer, which has the form of a tree, where the
leaves are the main important object properties. Table editor's Object
Explorer, for example, has the list of fields, constraints, indices and
triggers. Whatever page you are on — you can always have full information
about a table you work with. Object Explorer also has a context menu that
allows you to add, remove and change the properties of a table.

Stored procedures editor's Object Explorer allows you to control input and
output parameters of a procedure. By setting up the QuickDesk options you
can turn to the mode where a procedure title description never gets into the
procedure's text editor, but instead all parameters are controlled with the
help of Object Explorer. You will really appreciate the convenience of
having Object Explorer, when you have to edit a large text.

All editors can now save the entire information about toolbars positions and
docked parts. You also have an option to auto-save sql-expressions of
objects (procedures, triggers and views). This allows you to always have a
copy of the most important meta-objects at hands. Loading saved texts is
very easy if you use our unified context menu of the corresponding object

We also added the feature of object duplicating. You can create a copy of
any object even if they have a complicated hierarchy. For example, when you
duplicate a table, you automatically copy all its restrictions, indices and
triggers. Renaming objects during duplication is performed automatically
using name templates.

There is now a special section in Options where you can define all your
templates. In the current version of QuickDesk templates are also used when
you create new objects, such as table keys or triggers. When QuickDesk
creates a new object it automatically checks if an object with this name
already exists, and if that's the case when it adds to the name some random
number thus guaranteeing the name's uniqueness.

QuickDesk has an improved support of Interbase 6.0/FireBird. New experts
administering new services, such as: Shutdown Database, Bring Database
Online, Database Validation, Database Statistics are added. We redesigned
Code Insight and keyboard templates to ensure the compatibility with SQL
Dialect 3. In particular, keyboard templates now have new combinations of
special symbols of the form ##. This combination becomes essential when you
not only want QuickDesk to insert the clipboard content, but also consider
this content as an identifier and to check if it needs to be enclosed in the
double quotes. Beside that, when you register a database, you can set up the
option that activates the full support of SQL Dialect 3. If you do that then
when, for example, you edit a table entry, QuickDesk uses the command alter
table alter column as opposed to correcting system tables.

When you buy a version 2.0 you also receive the help file on SQL syntax. You
can invoke the help in any editor, and the appropriate topic will already be
selected. You can also use the context help whenever you edit a
representation, trigger or stored function in the SQL editor. To do that put
your cursor to a word you need help on and press Ctrl-F1. The corresponding
topic will be automatically selected.

The short summary of other new features of QuickDesk 2.0 follows:

- SQL Monitor has new options. Certain operations can now be monitored
- Keyboard templates have new text output options: as is, uppercase,
lowercase, first upper
- When you double-click an object name in Search Metadata, the corresponding
editor is automatically invoked.
- When you use foreign keys, links to the dependent tables are activated on
the Dependencies tab.
- When you edit data on the Form View tab, you can set up fields property IS

- Table editor has a possibility of field duplication as well as its value.
- You can now edit restrictions (Primary Key, Unique Key, Foreign Key,
- You can re-evaluate indices (SET STATISTICS) in the table editor.
- Tab DDL in the table editor now has the information about triggers for a
given table.
- When you recompile View, QuickDesk attempts to restore all triggers.
- If necessary, procedures are recompiled prior to loading.
- Inactive triggers are now emphasized in DB Explorer and editor pages with
a different color. You can also insert or remove a trigger from the context

- Trigger editor's Code Insight now gives you the list of fields of a
current table after NEW. or OLD.
- You can create and edit triggers for system tables.
- Special directories for storing scripts and data export are added.
- When you register a new database you can separately set up the following
options: Boolean fields support, Autocommit, Protected editing and others.
- You can register new databases using Drag & Drop from Windows Explorer.
Files with extension gdb are now associated with QuickDesk.
- When you do Metadata Extract, script receives user privileges and database
object privileges.
- New Compile Window with possibility of changing SQL statements "on fly".
- Autogrants for Views, Triggers and Procedures.
- Automatic recompilation for dependent objects.

Obviously, we do not list all the changes that have appeared in QuickDesk
2.0. We tried to mention the main ones to emphasize the most important
innovations, compared to the old versions.

What's new in version 2.0.2?


1. Now QuickDesk can define default charset
for your database automatically.
2. QuickDesk version number now includes in
bugreports (MainMenu->Help->Send Bug Reports).

Corrections and Fixes:

1. SQL Editor: fixed bug with quotation of SQL keywords
after QuickSQL (Code Insight).
2. SQL Parser, SP Debugger: fixed bug with TIME and TIMESTAMP
keywords (Dialect 3).
3. Fixed bug with BLOB Viewer/Editor.
4. Visual Query Builder: fixed bug with BCD fields.
5. Fixed bug with trigger position (now possible to set less than 0).
6. Extract Data: Fixed bug with extract datetime fields.
7. Fixed bug with backup and restore services.
8. Extract MetaData: fixed bug with extracting privileges
9. SP Editor: Fixed bug with execute procedures without parameters.
10. Main Window: fixed bug with Tile/Cascade windows.
11. Few minor corrections and bugfixes.

Thanks for your attention.

Best regards,
EMS HiTech development team.