Subject Re: [IBO] IBO in Delphi 6
Author Geoff Worboys
> Have you heard any word of when IBO 4 will be out of beta
> and into production so that it can be used with Delphi 6?

IBO4 already works with Delphi6.

Some recent quotes from Jason...

> The code is pretty much all ready. I just have to get the
> peripheral stuff all set to go. I plan to make the licensing
> more detailed and granular. Pricing will all be changing.
> If I may suggest, if you are waiting till v4 releases,
> don't. Prices will be going up a bit to get the same things.
> All licensing purchased after Jan 1st this year will apply
> to IBO4. All prior to that will need to upgrade. Separate
> licensing for the replication and full text searching will
> also be introduced.

> IBO4 is improved in areas but due to new development I am
> still running it through the batteries of tests needed.
> This is why I still carry the BETA label so you won't go
> live with it just yet. (Although all my systems are
> already live with it, I know the code well enough to spot
> all sorts of little things others would miss.)

I recently released an IBO4 based application to a client for
production use. I decided it was safe because we did extensive
testing first and feel confident that it is working well for the
particular application. This should give you a pretty good idea how
stable it is.

At this stage Jason is still recommending that IBO4 is not used in
production only because it has not been tested as widely - and in as
many and varied environments - as IBO3.

As for timeframes - thats something for Jason.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing