Subject Re: [IBO] IBO4 and ParamByName
Author Lester Caine
I am getting further on this - COUNT as a field name is giving a problem. I use
it in FastReport which is working fine as an IBO4 version, but it uses ' " '
around field names internally, so gets confused when the field name already has
quotes arround it, as in the case of COUNT being converted to "COUNT", and then
it refuses to see it.

I have tracked the problem with ordering - just rebuild the ordering links using
the inline designer. That took out 'ITEM=' and the ;POS=0 entries - I know there
was a reason they were there, but they seem to upset IBO4. Selection is now
working fine, but no colours? ColorScheme = true on IB_Query and
IgnoreColorScheme = false on Grid. Anything else - as it was working?

I am now going to try and find where my grids are going to !

> > I would like to make it not require the quotes. I'll consider this a bug.
> > > Compiled program fine, but when it is run I get 'Field FROM
> > > not found'. I have tracked it to ParamByName now requiring
> > > that the Param name is surrounded by "'s - "FROM" in order
> > > that it will recognise it. Is this to be expected and so do
> > > I have to re-name all my Parameters in all programs? I still
> > > stick to UPPER_CASE simple field names and see no reason to
> > > change from that - they are then easy to spot.
> It is only reserved words that are causing this problem. FROM, TO and DATE in
> my case. I've changed them to FROMD, TOD and ADATE and I get onto the next
> layer of problems.
> This is nearly all working in 3.6Dg, apart from the ordering problem.
> Second problem, grids on the tab I select as the starting view do not appear.
> If I
> select a different tab, then the previous one is fine when you switch to it.
> I have caller view, appointment view, staff view and setup view. All fail if
> they are on top, but are fine when you select them from an alternative start
> - most of the time - on occasions these disapear as well, but the navigate is
> still operational.
> Third problem, ordering. This does not work correctly on 3.6Dg but was 'OK'
> on 3.6Cf.
> When selecting a column, in 3.6 the list starts from the selected record and
> you can't scroll up from there. In 4, text columns go to a blank grid. The
> OLNK_* is set to '= <NULL>', not a valid selection as all my string data has
> a default of blank string so that concatonate works. This is not consistant,
> as a couple of columns work OK, even allowing scrolling up, and the attached
> incremental search is fine. The ones that fail sometimes give Dynamic SQL
> error -804, and the monitor is showing an additional PARAM with the OLNK_*
> entry, using the primary key as well.
> The only thing that I should say is that I am still using Dialect 1, which is
> important in this case as we have three years worth of data to bring from
> IB5.6 once we have a stable next version.

Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services