Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with IBO and FastReport
Author Jörg Schiemann
> Hello,
> i got a problem with IBO and FastReport if i use a Decimal(18,0).
> If i try to print a IB_query ,i got the message that the
> Variantoperation is not valid.
> I use D5 with IBO 3.6Dg.
> I tried to contact Alexander, but up to now, i've heared nothing from
> him.
> Has someone solved this problem ?
> Best regards
> Elmar Knoerzer

Hi Elmar,

Alexanders support is long away from Jasons :-(

FR can't handle 64bits Integer.
I use FR' variables and fill them with the OnBeginBand event.


var sKundenNr: string;

if Band.Name = 'bSeitenkopf1' then begin
sKundenNr := qryKunden.FieldByName('KUNDEN_NR').AsString;
frRechnungen.Dictionary.Variables['KundenNr'] := sKundenNr;

