Subject Re: [IBO] Re-post: 'Not Implemented' error with IBO 3.6.D.d and 3.6.D.d.e
Author Jason Wharton
This will be fixed in the next sub-release of IBO.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Luiz Alves" <cprmlao@...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, May 05, 2001 7:44 AM
Subject: [IBO] Re-post: 'Not Implemented' error with IBO 3.6.D.d and

> I was searching the cause of this error.
> Here is as reproduce it.
> 1. Put a tib_connection, tib_navigationbar(ib_Navigationbar1), a
> tib_cursor(ib_Cursor1) and a tib_datasource(ib_Datasource1).
> 2. Make IB_DataSource1.Dataset:=ib_Cursor1
> 3. Make ib_Navigationbar1.Datasource:=IB_DataSource1
> 4. Put some select statement in tib_cursor
> 5. Call open or first in tib_cursor and following click on next arrow of
> ib_Navigationbar1.
> 6. Then you get the error.
> This error is related to ValidateRows rotine being called in
> IB_Navigation.pas.
> To fix it, I have to comment this line in IBA_Dataset.imp:
> function TIB_Dataset.ValidateRows( Start, Finish: longint ): boolean;
> begin
> // Abstract at this level.
> raise EIB_DatasetError.Create( 'Not implemented' );
> end;
> If I comment:
> --> // raise EIB_DatasetError.Create( 'Not implemented' );
> The error disappears.
> When using IB_WISQL compiled with IBO 3.6.D.d or 3.6.D.d.e and simulation
> this same actions there, occur again this error and I have to do
> Luiz.
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