Subject Re: [IBO] LookupCombo
Author Dave Bullar
I thought Geof Worboys reply was going to be just what I wanted, but I dont think so now. I have read all I can and examined the examples about Lookup Combo but am still unsure.
I have a database that I am trying to 'fill' with data from other tables. Just as in the example given.
Except that I am not using a grid.

I open a form which originally was populated with non data-aware edits, list boxes, comboboxes etc.
on 'Form Show' I filled the 'items' of list boxes say with data from these other 'fixed' databases.
I let the operator select from these then provided a 'button marked 'check' which if all was well inserted all the values he had chosen into the main dataset record. It all worked but involves a lot of code.

Now I thought it should be simpler to use data-aware edits, list boxes etc.
I have a small table say called 'Towns' with TownNumber integer, TownName varchar(30) (about 50 records)
The main table has a column 'Town' and the form has a lookupcombo? or lookuplist? from which I want the user to select the town to be inserted into the main table. how can I do this in the simplest manner ??

I have tried various things and read all I can including the BDE based help but I cannot really see where
the dblookupcombo fits in. help please.

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