Subject SV: [IBO] IBO advertising
Author "Bøjer, Michael OPT"
I noticed an advertisement in [The Delphi Magazine] from iTec (see

I must confess, that I discovered the ad after starting using IBO.

Keep up the good work,

Kind regards
Michael Bojer

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Jason Wharton [mailto:jwharton@...]
Sendt: 25. april 2001 02:39
Emne: [IBO] IBO advertising

Is there anyone on this list as a result of seeing advertisements for IBO?
Have you noticed any ads for IBO and were they influential in your decision
to check into using it?
If so, please tell me where you have seen it.

If you can think of a place you would like to see it, let me know also.

It costs a lot of money to run advertisements and I sure don't want what
little I get just going to pencil pushers that write little magazines with
cute pictures in them.

If you have seen IBO in something and don't tell me I am likely going to
drop it by mistake. Right now I am mostly interested in knowing if I should
continue advertising in my current areas.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

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