Subject Re: [IBO] Re-post: 'Class TIBOBCDField not found'
Author Luiz Alves

I erase all requires clauses of all packages and I was building one after

Delphi gives a warning and added the required packages to each package when

Until now, I don't see more the error of class tibobcdfield not found.

Thank you very much,


----- Original Message -----
From: Geoff Worboys <geoff@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 11:43 PM
Subject: Re: [IBO] Re-post: 'Class TIBOBCDField not found'

> > I done this four times without success. I am crazying with it.
> >
> > Could you give more any tip?
> The IB_Registration.pas unit is responsible for registering the
> special field classes. Be sure it is included in the package you are
> building.
> TField registrations are achieved through a special VCL function.
> There is a function pointer (RegisterFieldsProc in db.pas) that is
> only defined when a particular designtime unit is loaded (dsdefine.pas
> in Delphi5).
> I **suspect** that what happens in some situations is that the package
> setup forces IBO to load before the particular VCL designtime package
> is loaded, resulting in the field class registration being missed.
> In my situation I was getting any "invalid field registration" error
> that occurs when the procedure pointer is not defined. I can only
> think that there is something in your setup which is catching and
> ingoring this error.
> You could try this...
> Update IB_Registration.pas so that in the implementation "uses" clause
> where you see...
> IB_ActionNavigate,
> IB_ActionTransaction,
> IB_ActionUpdate,
> {$ENDIF}
> add the unit that defines the registration function. eg;
> IB_ActionNavigate,
> IB_ActionTransaction,
> IB_ActionUpdate,
> dsdefine,
> {$ENDIF}
> Alternatively you could try adding dcldb40 to the requires clause of
> the IBO package. I think it is dcldb50 in Delphi5 that contains
> dsdefine.
> Either of these should force the initialisation to occur before the
> registration of the IBO fields.
> No idea if this will work, but its worth a try.
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
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