Subject Re: [IBO] ib_lockupcombo and ib_grid - example please
Author Harald Klomann
Rolf Bredemeier wrote:
> Hi list!
> Stupid question:
> I am searching for an example, which show me how to configure a TIB_Grid
> with a TIB_LookupCombo.
> (No problem to get a single TIB_LookupCombo working, but i wish the
> lockuplist in the grid, appearing by clicking the cell)
> Dropping a TIB_LookupCombo on a TIB_Grid seems it's not enough. ;-)
> Best regards, Rolf


see the contact.dpr in the IBO´s Sample directory.
On the "Browse" TabPage there´s the "Type" column
with embedded TIB_LookupCombo.
