Subject Re: [IBO] Problem with IBO
Author Geoff Worboys
> My application uses 6 DLL files which deal with different
> data proccesing tasks.
> What would be the expert recommendations - to use 6
> different connections to database or to use shared handle
> from EXE file. IMO, using shared handle is faster, because
> you don't have to connect to database. But are there any
> hidden problems?

If you follow the advice for given by Borland for building DLLs
(linking with the borlandmm.dll for memory management) your can do
quite a lot with DLLs you just need to take the appropriate care.

I have previously used DLLs with some success simply as a code/class
storage mechansim. If the EXE instantiates a class from the DLL then
you are using the DLL class and code but within the context of the EXE
(provided you use the borland memory management).

This approach as worked well for me in the past - including using
forms defined in the DLL in with IBO (native) components, using the
connection on the mainform from the EXE context.

If you are doing multi-threading then things get more complex but the
same principles apply.


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing