Subject Re: [IBO] Re: Right-trimming defaults
Author David Trudgett
At 2001-03-22 17:25 -0700, "Jason Wharton" <jwharton@...> wrote:

>David, how would you like an AsRawString property? This would be a way to
>explicitly have the trimming rules ignored regardless of what the settings
>are. Then this would become the divider between the "interactive"
>application and the "non-interactive" application.

Sounds like a great idea, as a matter of fact! That way, it keeps happy the
developers who sometimes (like me) need to know that what gets put in is in
fact what gets given back, spaces and all. Although IBO is not to blame
(because we weren't using it then, and the RDBMS wasn't InterBase), we have
had a lot of trouble with databases or database components munging our
spaces, and had to resort to wrapping ".AsString" calls with a kludge like
"FixDBStr". We could only do that because in each case we knew the expected
size of the string and could hence right pad with the required number of
spaces. The situation for others might be more difficult.

David Trudgett