Subject Re: Grid delete record
THANK YOU, HELEN, that was just the information I needed!

One last thing though. My last question was related to scrolling
through the grid... as I move through the grid from record to record,
what event would be best used to obtain data from each record as it
becomes selected, so that I can display that data (timestamp data,
last editor, etc.) on the statusbar?

--- In IBObjects@y..., Helen Borrie <helebor@w...> wrote:
> At 07:49 AM 04-03-01 -0600, you wrote:
> >I am a newbie to IBObjects, but have purchased "Getting Started"
and looked at the tutorials and manuals, and can't figure this one
> >
> >I've placed a TIB_Grid on a form and linked it to a TIB_Query and
TIB_DataSource, also placed on the form. The query runs against a
single table with 4 fields (it is a lookup table for several tables
in the database) and is SELECT *. I indicated the single key field
("ID") in the KeyLinks list. Since it is a generator field, I also
indicated it in the GeneratorLinks field as "ID=BA_ID" (BA_ID is the
name of the generator). I did not indicate any additional SQL.
> Good so far.
> >I then placed a TIB_Navigator bar and TIB_Update bar on the form,
and linked them to the same TIB_DataSource.
> >
> >1) In order to make the TIB_Update bar work for anything other
than adding records (edit, delete), I had to set RequestLive to
true. Your support documents seem to indicate that this step is
> Oh, I hope not! Setting Requestlive true is the way to tell IBO
that you want...well...a live query! No query on a client/server
database is ever actually "live", the way a TTable over Paradox is,
for example. A lot of the time, you don't want a live query but,
when you do, setting RequestLive tells IBO to go ahead and just "do
the obvious" when requested to insert, update or delete.
> You can also get "live" queries on joined and unioned datasets in
IBO; or even use the data in the dataset to perform updates,
inserts, etc. on a different table. The UpdateSQL properties
(EditSQL, DeleteSQL and InsertSQL) are there for that...meaning you
can completely customise your data manipulation (DML is the tag term
for all that stuff.)
> >2) When I set RequestLive to true and run the application,
everything appears to work fine, except I can't delete the records I
add in that "session."
> That's right...but it's not that you can't delete rows added in the
same session. You need to commit the *transaction* in which the rows
were inserted because, until you do, they don't get written to the
database and therefore they don't exist to be deleted. Use the
Isolation setting tiCommitted and CommitRetaining to keep the current
cursor open. After a Refresh, you will have no problem deleting the
rows you added.
> If you don't want to take explicit control of your transactions,
set Autocommit to True on your ib_transaction - then the DML will
commit when you Post it.
> > Yet, if I close the form and then re-open it, I am then able to
delete the record.
> Well, yes, but this isn't what you wanna do, is it?
> >EXCEPT, the generated ID for the record I added in the previous
session is always 1 more than it had been at the time of insert!!
How is this additional increment getting called?
> GeneratorLinks fires the generator and fetches the latest number
back into your app. I'll bet you have a before insert trigger on the
table, that doesn't check first for a non-null value in the inserted
> It should be
> create trigger bi_MyTable for MyTable
> active before insert
> as
> begin
> if ( is null) then
> = Gen_ID (myGenerator, 1);
> end
> >3) What event is thrown when the user changes records in the
grid? I want to put the TIB_Query and TIB_DataSource in a
datamodule, but need to update the form's statusbar with data from a
field from each record (the last update timestamp, last editor, etc.)
> There are dozens of events! Have a look at AfterUpdate.
> \cheers,
> Helen
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