Subject RE: [IBO] IB + ASP
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mustea Emil [mailto:emus@...]
> Sent: Sábado 3 de Marzo de 2001 21:24
> Sorry for posting on IBO list..but the ODBC driver shipped with IB 5.6 is
> good for using with ASP? If yes it's supports connection pooling?
> Please tell me all of your experinces.
> Any input highl appreciated.

This is my personal opinion.
Generally speaking, IB5.X's ODBC drivers are worth nothing. I recommend that
you pick one of the newest drivers for IB6. I recommend Karyakin's driver
since I've had good experience while testing it.
Your web server can do connection pooling.
