Subject Re: [IBO] Better place to change Params
Author Jason Wharton
You don't have to change parameters there. This is during the prepare phase
which means your parameter objects may not be setup yet. That's why that
string list is used but I intend that to be for internal use mostly.

I suggest that you use the BeforeExecute event and use the
aramByName( 'adfd' ).AsXXXX to set the values.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Claudio Kloss" <ckloss@...>
To: "IBObjects" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 1:13 PM
Subject: [IBO] Better place to change Params

> Where is the better place to change parameters in a parameterized query?
> changing them in OnPrepareSQL. This is what I've done.
> procedure TfrmCadEntrada.QueryAfterScroll(IB_Dataset: TIB_Dataset);
> begin
> with dm.qryCFOP do begin
> InvalidateSQL;
> Refresh;
> end;
> end;
> procedure TdmCadEntradas.qryCFOPPrepareSQL(Sender: TIB_Statement);
> begin
> if not Assigned(CadEntradas.frmCadEntrada) then Exit;
> with CadEntradas.frmCadEntrada do begin
> qryCFOP.ParamValues['Abrangencia']:=VerificaAbrangencia(
> Query.FieldValues['UFEmp'],
> Query.FieldValues['UFFnc'] );
> end;
> end;
> On the event PrepareSQL, the param is being updated but after "Refresh" in
> AfterScroll event, the param shows the old value and so I'm not getting
> expected results.
> Am I doing something wrong?
> Claudio F. Kloss
> MicroLight Informática Ltda.
> Juiz de Fora - MG - Brazil
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