Subject Re: [IBO] BUG - IBO 3.6cf stops Masks in QuickReport fields
Author Jason Wharton
Cool, I would like to test a QR sample.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael L. Horne" <guardian@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 9:33 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] BUG - IBO 3.6cf stops Masks in QuickReport fields

> Jason,
> Do you still need a Demo with Quick Reports, if you don't use it
> and don't have the QR components installed you will not be able
> to do anything but look at it.
> By the way, I am using QR Pro 3.08. I am quite willing to work
> with you on testing any solutions you my come up with.
> > I am NOT using persistent fields,
> > the IB field is defined as Numeric(9,2)
> > I am running Dialect 1.
> > Delphi 5
> > IB WI-V6.0.0.627
> > IBO 3.6cf
> > Quick Reports Pro 3.08
> The spot in Quick Reports that seems to be affected is
> in the QRCTRLS.PAS file Procedure TQRDBText.Print Line 1324
> where is checks for field type. See <1> below where it checks
> to see if it is a TBCDField, this if statement is not catching
> whatever it was you where trying to setup.
> Let me know if you still need to demo, it will take me an hour
> or two to put it together.
> Thanks
> Michael L. Horne
> guardian@...
> procedure TQRDBText.Print(OfsX, OfsY : integer);
> begin
> if IsEnabled then
> begin
> if FieldOK then
> begin
> if FDataSet.DefaultFields then
> Field := FDataSet.Fields[FieldNo];
> end
> else
> Field := nil;
> if assigned(Field) then
> begin
> try
> if (Field is TMemoField) or
> (Field is TBlobField) then
> begin
> Lines.Text := TMemoField(Field).AsString;
> end else
> if (Mask = '') or (Field is TStringField) then
> if not (Field is TBlobField) then
> FPrintCaption := Field.DisplayText
> else
> FPrintCaption := Field.AsString
> else
> begin
> if (Field is TIntegerField) or
> (Field is TSmallIntField) or
> (Field is TWordField) then
> FPrintCaption := FormatFloat(Mask,
> * 1.0)
> else
> if (Field is TFloatField) or
> (Field is TCurrencyField) or
> <1> (Field is TBCDField) then
> FPrintCaption :=
> else
> if (Field is TDateTimeField) or
> (Field is TDateField) or
> (Field is TTimeField) then
> FPrintCaption :=
> FormatDateTime(Mask,TDateTimeField(Field).Value);
> end;
> except
> FPrintCaption := '';
> end;
> end else
> FPrintCaption := '';
> DoneFormat := false;
> inherited Print(OfsX,OfsY);
> end;
> end;