Subject Re: [IBO] Strange TFieldTypes
Author Geoff Worboys

I doubt if I can help directly (I use all native components), but you
may be able to short circuit some response time by providing the
version of IBO and Delphi/BCB. I know that Jason made some changes
relating to BCDField and FloatFields recently, so it may help to know
which version you are using.

Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rohit" <rohit@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2001 2:28 PM
Subject: [IBO] Strange TFieldTypes

> After converting all TFloatFields in the 200+ forms to
> TIBOFLoatFields, we now get the complaint that the field should be
> largeint instead of ibofloat. The field is defined in the database
> numeric (12,3).
> We also have the situation where the complaint for numeric (9,4) is
> unsupported field type. The field selected is TIBOBCDField.
> Whats happening, does any one know ?
> Regards
> Rohit