Subject Re: [IBO] Installer for IBO
Author Jason Wharton

> > One directory for sources does pile things up a bit but it sure
> > simplifies
> > things where the rubber meets the road, development work.
> >
> Jason, I know that even in small groups of developers version
> control can be very tricky (well, I've designed team projects myself,
> I'm no newbie in that). But piling things up will just get the project
> messy and full of bugs. Well, that what seems logical to me (just a
> thought).

This all depends on the merge techniques used. What I do makes it easier to
have a single directory.

> > IBO isn't your shrink-wrap variety product. I can't play by those
> > rules and
> > keep up as aggressively as I do. I'm a hybrid between them and
> > open source
> > type projects. I think my blend is friendly enough to pick up good
> > numbers
> > of participants.
> >
> Why open source projects can't be shrink-wrap products??

I didn't say that they couldn't. But, how many open source products are on
the shelves compared to how many you just download the sources to? I'm
speaking in general here. Most particularly in the realm of Delphi
components. Show me one "open sourced" freeware component that is shrink
wrapped and I'll eat my words.

> What I
> understand for a shrink-wrap product is a product that you can sell
> or give away or whatever knowing that it's stable and finished. I
> know that IBO is far from that, it's very dynamic and all; but every
> now and then, it NEEDS a "sealed" version.

That is what I am doing with version 3.6 right now. I am preparing to seal
it completed. But, I am also committed to fixing bugs that people find.
There are now thousands of users with IBO and bugs I never thought possible
seem to keep creeping in. True most people never find any but they are still
there and I am committed to resolving them.

> But ok, you're the boss here. My concern is that being so
> "aggressive" will lead to poor quality control. I have to admit that I
> haven't found a bug in the IBO engine yet; but I've already found
> several in the property editors. They have an "unpolished" feel.

This is a reflection of my priorities.

> Anyway, maybe all the main user wants is a DCP file, no source of
> any kind, maybe some samples and some help files. That's where
> a installer goes fine. I could get along with that. But instead I'm
> here trying to help the development process. So, don't hit me for
> my needs of more hassle. :).

Thanks for your feedback. I am fully considering it. Find me a good
installer for Delphi and Kylix and you will have a happy camper. So far the
market brings nothing to bear here.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ