Subject Re: [IBO] TIBOQuery RecordCount Problem/Bug?
Author Jason Wharton
That sounds really odd. Will you please send me a sample app which
demonstrates this?

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Linda Berry" <lberry@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, December 21, 2001 7:40 AM
Subject: [IBO] TIBOQuery RecordCount Problem/Bug?

> I am having a problem with the TIBOQuery. I suspect it is a bug. If I am
> doing something wrong please tell me.
> Below you will find the test code. What happens when I watch the RecNo
> Record Count is as follows:
> 1. Before I do qryMain.First -- RecNo is 1 and RecordCount is 84
> 2. After executing qryMain.First; RecNo is 16 and RecordCount is 84.
> 3. Proceeding through the loop using qryMain.Next to move through the
> the RecNo increments each time until it reaches 84
> and RecordCount is 84.
> 4. The qryMain.Next after RecNo is 84 results in RecordCount 1 and RecNo
> 84.
> 5. From then on the RecordCount on that query is 1.
> I suspect that the intention was to make RecNo 1 and have RecordCount
> 84.
> I have tried this with several tables and had the same kind of problem.
> Please give me some idea what to do.
> Thanks,
> Linda
> procedure TfrmBrowser.testqry(sFileName: string);
> var
> icol, irow: integer;
> begin
> if qryMain.Active then qryMain.Active := FALSE;
> qryMain.SQL.Clear;
> qryMain.SQL.Add('Select * From ' + sFileName);
> qryMain.DisableControls;
> qryMain.Active := TRUE;
> qryMain.Filtered := (qryMain.Filter > '');
> qryMain.EnableControls;
> dbgrd.Options := dbgrd.Options + [dgRowSelect] - [dgEditing];
> ds.DataSet := qryMain;
> qryMain.DisableControls;
> for iCol := 0 to (dbgrd.Columns.Count - 1) do
> begin
> qryMain.First;
> for iRow := 0 to (qryMain.RecordCount - 1) do
> begin
> qryMain.Next;
> end;
> end;
> end; // procedure