Subject RE: [IBO] Connecting a Windows Client To Linux Interbase Server
Author Bill Morrison
You can force windows to reload the host file by doing

nbtstat -R

from the command line. Note the -R must be capitalized.


-----Original Message-----
From: rudydorado@... [mailto:rudydorado@...]
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2001 1:07 AM
Subject: [IBO] Connecting a Windows Client To Linux Interbase Server

Hi People,
I developed an application on a stand-alone PC using Dephi 3 and
IBOjects to connect directly to Interbase. I am now porting my
database to Linux with CS Interbase.
I cannot get my Windows Client to connect to the DBMS in Linux. I
read that all I have to do is put an entry in the Windows HOST file
as follows eg.
127.0.01 localhost sugba (private domain),

but it is not working.

I am getting this error: host sugba cannot be found
unknown Win32 error 10061

Thanks for the help it is much appreciated. My application is a
student information system for our school.

Rudy Dorado
Gen Santos City, Philippines

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