Subject Re: [IBO] execute procedure problems
Author Dmitry Beloshistov
> SQL.Add('execute procedure poliza_polmod :polpro,:polcod');
Please replace you code to:
SQL.Add('Execute procedure poliza_polmod(:polpro,:polcod)');
You have error in SQL statement text....

WBR, Dmitry Beloshistov AKA [-=BDS=-]
e-mail: torin@...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Manuel Fresneda" <manuelfresnedaguerra@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 3:51 PM
Subject: [IBO] execute procedure problems

> Hi all.
> I have the next code:
> with tDatos.pCalculo do
> begin
> Close;
> SQL.Clear;
> SQL.Add('execute procedure poliza_polmod :polpro,:polcod');
> ParamByName('polpro').Value := AEntero(pcaccpro.Text);
> ParamByName('polcod').Value := AEntero(pcacccod.Text);
> ExecProc;
> Modalidad := FieldByName('polmod').AsInteger;
> end;
> if the database is in dialect 1 all is right, but if i change it
> to dialect 3 then i get the following:
> ISC ERROR CODE:335544569
> Dynamic SQL Error
> parameter mismatch for procedure POLIZA_POLMOD
> I use Delphi6+Sp1 IBO_4_2_F IB6
> Someone knows why.
> Thanks
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