Subject Re: [IBO] Master detail using TIBOQuery
Author Artur Anjos
And TIBOQuery as a DataSource property. Use it. You must but a Where clause on the SQL of your TIBOQuery Detail, matching the same fields of the "Master".

Artur Trindade Anjos

----- Original Message -----
From: cdoss@...
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2001 2:32 PM
Subject: [IBO] Master detail using TIBOQuery


I am rewriting a project from ADO/SQL 7 to IBO/IB.
As there are lots of non-IBO data aware forms, I can only use

I am writing code in AfterInsert event to assign the child key
accordingly. Isn´t there another way to do that? (IB_Query has a
MasterLink property...)

best regards,

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