Subject Re: AW: [IBO] IBO Personal Training at CPS in sunny Mesa AZ
Author Steffen Nyeland
Hi Helen,

> That said, the GSG is really for those approaching IBO for the first
> time.

With the chance to make a fool of myself, I do not fully agree :-), I have
been using IBO for some time, and the GSG helped me fill some "holes" and
reminded me of how much can be done without code.

> It's a long way from being a manual for the whole of IBO !! The GSG
> was designed as a walk-through to get people past the confusion of (a) so
> many properties and methods and (b) the data-driven architecture of IBO,
> when they have been used to the control-driven methodology in BDE

the control-driven methodology/desktop database approched of the
BDE/Delphi, really messed up my Client/Server development skills, I still
sometimes grab myself in doing too much coding/logic on the client. The GSG
reminded me of some of these things - again :-).

point (b) is def. the biggest hurdle to overcome - unlearning old habits.
Or maybe it's a hole, because I sometimes tend to fall into it ;-).

It is def. worth the $30. (Even when I spent 15 min, in making a PDF and
printed the stuff - I'm sometimes take the train to work - gives you time
for reading :-) ) - good work Jason/Helen.
