Subject RE: [IBO] Users: always connect ISC4.GDB?
Author Christian Gütter

> Hey, in real world, do not use this nasty relative path
> (corruption awaits
> for you), it was only a quick typing in my single user
> session, you should
> use something like
> gsec -database localhost:disk:/full_path/isc4.gdb -display
> instead. Here's a full example with a fictitious user:
> gsec -user locksmith -password backdoor -database
> localhost:localhost:f:/bd/borland/interbase/isc4.gdb -display

LOL, a fictitious user!

I like your cynical humour ...

The locksmith user is hardcoded in interbase itself, so why shouldn't
I hardcode it again im my application ;-)

Hey, in real world, I wouldn't like to hardcode any username or password
in my application - even using encryption.

So it seems the best way to use the Services API or to sync the ISC4 with
the production DB once (application start).

Thank you to everyone.


> Use localhost or the target machine's name only once! I was
> having fun with
> the IB multi-hoop ability when I specified localhost two
> times, but beware I
> found it very easy to leave the server hanging with this old
> multi-hoop
> feature. So, the final string looks like:
> gsec -user locksmith -password backdoor -database
> localhost:f:/bd/borland/interbase/isc4.gdb -display
> > Due to the fact that new users are not added very often and
> only SYSDBA is
> > able to change their passwords, it shouldn't be risky to
> proceed in this
> > way.
> >
> > What do you think?
> It depends. Accessing the security db is not the best
> thing to do, but
> since you are only reading, there's no great problem. Anyway,
> either you
> hardcode its location or you call another Services API entry
> point to get
> the location of the remote security db.
> C.