Subject RE: [IBO] Users: always connect ISC4.GDB?
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Gütter [mailto:cguetter@...]
> Sent: Martes 23 de Enero de 2001 5:32
> I am thinking of synchronizing the USERS table of ISC4 with a table in my
> production database each time one client app starts.
> So I would have a selectable list of users which can quickly be accessed.

If you won't use the Services API, start a RO transaction and connect to
isc4.gdb to extract the list of users. Otherwise, you could call gsec and
trap the output:
gsec -database localhost:../isc4.gdb -display

Hey, in real world, do not use this nasty relative path (corruption awaits
for you), it was only a quick typing in my single user session, you should
use something like
gsec -database localhost:disk:/full_path/isc4.gdb -display
instead. Here's a full example with a fictitious user:

gsec -user locksmith -password backdoor -database
localhost:localhost:f:/bd/borland/interbase/isc4.gdb -display

Use localhost or the target machine's name only once! I was having fun with
the IB multi-hoop ability when I specified localhost two times, but beware I
found it very easy to leave the server hanging with this old multi-hoop
feature. So, the final string looks like:
gsec -user locksmith -password backdoor -database
localhost:f:/bd/borland/interbase/isc4.gdb -display

> Due to the fact that new users are not added very often and only SYSDBA is
> able to change their passwords, it shouldn't be risky to proceed in this
> way.
> What do you think?

It depends. Accessing the security db is not the best thing to do, but
since you are only reading, there's no great problem. Anyway, either you
hardcode its location or you call another Services API entry point to get
the location of the remote security db.
