Subject RE: [IBO] IBO Personal Training at CPS in sunny Mesa AZ
Author Daniel Rail

I agree with Art on the pricing. That's what the company I work for
charges for training and it's for optometrist software that I develop. So,
Art's pricing is not that out of range and you might go around that
price. Since it's personalized training, it can take one day to a few days
depending on what is request of the given course.

Daniel Rail
Senior System Engineer
ACCRA Med Software Inc. (

At 24/01/2001 11:42, you wrote:
>Jason Wharton wrote:
> > up to 4 people at a time could come for personalized
> > training services that I would personally do.
> > ... [W]hat would you expect to pay for such services?
>$500/day is the number that pops into my mind, but you should investigate
>what training services like DSW and BlueStar (Ted Blue in San Diego) charge.
> > Would any of you care that I am not a Borland certified
> > instructor?
>You're joking, right?
>Art Metz
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