Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_LookUpCombo
Author Geoff Worboys

> Is it possible to have one table service two TIB_LookupCombos?

As Nick has already said, the answer is no. This is a design issue
with TIB_LookupCombo, since it is tied directly to the Lookup dataset
and has no relationship to the main dataset at all.

TIB_LookupEnh - in the EnhComponents available from the IBO registered
users download site, is designed differently. It is tied to the
foreign key of the main dataset and then associates with the lookup
dataset. It has its own KeyLinks and KeyDescLinks properties which
are used when you set the "LookupShared" property to true. In this
mode the lookup only connects to the lookup dataset while actively in
use, and then disconnects when not required - allowing the lookup
dataset to be used by other LookupEnh controls with a similar setup.

Note that this is not perfect. Depending on the lookup dataset, you
may experience some noticeable delay when starting to use a lookup -
while the lookup is resynchronised. You may find it necessary to
fine-tune the lookup to make it work as efficiently as possible (POS=n
in the OrderingLinks etc).


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing