Subject RE: [IBO] TIB_LookUpCombo
Author Kaputnik
If you use Geoffs Enhanced lookup-combo, I think there is a possibility.....
using the standard one, there is no way I know of.....The problem is, that
by attaching two lookups pointing to two different rows in the table won't
do, as both lookups will show the same row and therefore one wrong

For such tasks like Languages or so, where the count of values is small, I
use list of values, where a normal combobox-items will be prefilled upon
form-creation instead of lookups...this performs better is is much easier to

CU, Kaputnik
(Nick Josipovic)

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dion Oliphant [mailto:dion@...]
> Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 10:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: [IBO] TIB_LookUpCombo
> Hi All,
> Is it possible to have one table service two TIB_LookupCombos?
> For example,
> I have 2 fields which need to be filled with a reference num. The
> first one
> is called 'PrefLang' and the second is 'HomeLang'. They both draw their
> values from the Language table. Must I have a TIB_Query for both of these
> dropdowns, or can I somehow use the one for both. (changing the
> keylinks etc
> at runtime will be time consuming, not)
> Thanks,
> Dion.