Subject Re: [IBO] Bug with Stored Procedure and Prepare?
Author Jason Wharton
Must be a bug that I need to look into.

I've logged it as such.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Daniel Achermann" <ac.hi@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: [IBO] Bug with Stored Procedure and Prepare?

> I'm creating an instance of TIB_StoredProc in my program during
> runtime, set some properties and prepare it:
> ibsTest := TIB_StoredProc.Create(nil);
> ibsTest.IB_Connection := IB_Con;
> ibsTest.IB_Transaction := IB_Trans;
> ibsTest.StoredProcName := 'MyStoredProc';
> ibsTest.Prepared := true;
> Running this code causes a "Dynamic SQL Error: Parameter missmatch for
> procedure MyStoredProc"
> When I do a small change
> ibsTest.StoredProcName := 'MYSTOREDPROC';
> writing everything with capital letters, it works fine.
> Is it just a bug or is there another explanation?
> I'm using:
> Delphi 5.0
> Interbase 6.01
> IBO 3.6A
> Thanks!
> Daniel Achermann