Subject Re: [IBO] TIB_Connection settings
Author Geoff Worboys
> I would like to have the possibility to load the TIB_Connection
> settings (Path,Server,Protocol) at runtime , according to the
> location (and name) of the database decided by the customer.
> I used with BDE to use the alias for this job .
> Do you have a solution so that each workstation could have its
> own settings for TIB_CONNECTION and the possibility to change
> them on the fly to disconnect from one database to connect to
> another one ?

There are no built-in alias facilities for TIB_Connection. If all you
want is for the customer to type in their own database name then
simply set TIB_Connection.LoginPrompt=true to have the standard IBO
login prompt displayed. IBO can determine the protocol, server and
path if the full database name is given.

eg. Server:D:\Path\File.GDB
Is the name of a database "File.GDB", at the path "D:\Path\" (defined
from the server perspective) on the server "Server" using protocol
TCPIP. See your interbase reference manuals for the other protocol
name formats.

It is reasonably standard practice (I hope) to read/store such
attributes in the registry rather than leaving them hardcoded. It is
a relatively small step to extend this to offering a selection of
databases or a specialised dialog for user input. If you need an
example of how to manage this sort of thing (and you have the full
source), take a look at how Jason does it in IB_WISQL.


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing