Subject problem with sqlwhereitems
Author Helmut Steinberger
Hi list,

I have a problem using the sqlwhereitems property of ib_query. I have
two datasets and want to select data from those two sets using
For example:
The metadata of the 2 tables is:
create table table1
(field1 int4,
field2 char (30),
field3 char (20))

create table table2
(field1 int4,
field2 char (30),
field3 char (20))

The sql property of the query is set to:
select field1 as number, field2 as name from table1
select field1, field2 from table2

In the programmcode I have to set the sqlwhereitems depending on
values entered by the user:

For example:
ib_query1.sqlwhereitems.add('field1 > 10');

This does not work like I expect it to work. I think it will be
transfered to:
select field1 as number, field2 as name from table1
select field1, field2 from table2
where field1 > 10

This results in that only the data of the table2 is restricted and all
data from table1 is fetched.

Correct it has to be
select field1 as number, field2 as name from table1
where field1 > 10
select field1, field2 from table2
where field1 > 10

How could I tell the query to make correct use of the sqlwhereitems?

BTW annother question:
For debugging cases like this, it would be very helpful, to have a
look at the sql statement sent to the interbase server by IBO.
For Example:

procedure Tform1.query1PrepareSQL(Sender: TObject);
query1.sqlwhereitems.addstrings ('field1 > 10');

procedure Tform1.opendata;

query1.sql.add ('select * from table1');
query1.orderingitems.add ('table1_field1=field1');
query1.orderinglinks.add ('field1=1');
{here I want to have a look at the sqlstatement which is created by
the IBO and finally sent to the interbaseengine
For the Example I think it should be:
select * from table1
where field1 > 10
order by field1}

thanks in advance