Subject Re: [IBO] Parametized TIB_Query (for update) problem
Author Lucas Franzen
cicero@... schrieb:
> Hi IBO users!
> I have a parametized UPDATE query and every time that I use the query
> I have to prepare it. I want to prepare it one only time and change
> the parameters for new calls. The problem is that the parameters not
> change when I assign new values for them. The only way to change the
> parameters values is clear the SQL, assing the same statement and
> prepare the query again. Why IBObjects retain the old parameter values
> when the parametized update query is call again?. How I can change
> the parameter values? I try use "Parameter.Clear"
> and "Parameters.ClearBuffers" but doesn´t work.
> When I use a parametized query for SELECT all works fine.
> Help!

Did you try to set the RefreshOnParamChange property to true?

If so, are you sure that Closing and opening the query will use the old
