Subject SP's in Master-Detail Relationships...
Author Kaputnik
I have one problem......

I have a database with between 1-6 Mill. Rows per Table
In order to do a small Master-Detail Lookup, I created a SP with a PK as
Input-Parameter, which is doing a Join over 4 Tables. Doing this in a View
would kill the IB-Server for a long while, although the Query-Optimizer does
it's job astonishingly good and uses all inidzes as intended.

This SP is intended for a Master-Detail-Relationship, where the user can
browse through the custoemrs, and view all the different articles, which he
ordered in all his past orders....
I would like to know, if and how it would be possible to include this SP
into an IB_Query to have the MD-updates handled automatically....
The SP is selectable and has only one input-paramter (the Customer-No.) and
4 output-variables....
Is it possible to do this like this? Select * from SP(paramters) and handle
the rest in the master-links??

Any hints are well appreciated....

CU, Kaputnik
(Nick Josipovic)

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