Subject | Re: [IBO] TIB_ComboBox in search mode (better explanation of already posted problem) |
Author | Geoff Worboys |
Post date | 2001-01-06T02:29:20Z |
server? AFAIK combobox should use the itemvalue for searching.
Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing
> I'm using TIB_ComboBox with items (Jan,Feb,Mar...) andCan you run the SQL Monitor to see what is actually being sent to the
> itemvalues (1,2,3 ...).
> In search mode of the underlying dataset a selection of
> item (text) is causing a sql error cause internaly it must
> be searched for itemvalue, isn't?
server? AFAIK combobox should use the itemvalue for searching.
Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing