Subject Re: [IBO] Multi-tiered
Author Steve Garland
ASTA has a mature and popular AstaIbObjectsServer and Jason has been very
very cooperative in helping us tune it to thread and scale.

You can find an AstaIBObjectsServer and an AstaSQLExplorer at

We run an AstaIbobjects server at port 9003 all the time if
you want to try it across the internet.

Just download the AstaSQLExplorer or the AstaSQLDemo and type in when it asked for an IP Address.

any ASTA client or server exe can have the port changed from a Port=newPort
command line switch.

These compiled exe's are free which means you can download and use the
AstaIbObjectsServer and run it and then be able to access and maintain your
database using the AstaSQLExplorer which shows all metadata information
(tables, views, storedprocs etc) and allows you to throw SQL against the

We also will have Java, Palm and Wince demos soon that can run against an
AstaIbObjects server and in fact if you want to try a simple palm demo that
connects and grabs a list of interbase tables from an ASTA server you can
find it at

the palm interbase server is running on on port 9004.

our AstaJDBC driver is very fast against the AstaIBObjects server.

Steve Garland sgarland@...
Code it once with ASTA and run it anywhere
Servers (Win32,Linux) Clients (Win32,Linux,Java,Palm,WinCE)
ASTA Technology Group