Subject Re: Please Help !!!

Thanks for the response.

Although this is not what I wanted to hear, it is what I expected. I
guess I was hoping for some simpler method then having to redesign
the entire application and re-train all users :(

I really wanted this app converted over to IB and it appears that it
will not happen. The previously mentioned features are used so
heavily that it would take a few more months to complete. The users
really like the spreadsheet functionality and I think it would be
really hard for them to let go of it.

I realize this is off topic and probably not your area of expertise,
but I am now considering a third party database engine solution that
is more focused on TTable compatibility and supports C/S such as
FlashFiler or Advantage. It appears that this solution would allow me
to continue to provide the same functionality without having to
retrain my customers while still gaining the benifits of C/S. Any
input you may have in this area would be greatly appreciated.
