Subject Re: [IBO] Problem editing with TIBOQuery
Author Jason Wharton
May I suggest that you use a different approach?

Use a separate statement and call the ExecSQL method. Then, refresh your

MyUpdate.SQL.Text := 'UPDATE TABLE SET SALES = 0 WHERE <some criteria>';

As for why your query won't update a record, it could be a number of things.
Please show us more information. KeyLinks and RequestLive are a good place
to start.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: <steve@...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2000 10:00 AM
Subject: [IBO] Problem editing with TIBOQuery

> Hi All,
> I'm getting the error "Cannot Edit current Row" when trying to edit
> using a TIBOQuery control.
> Error Class: EIB_DatasetError
> Error Message: Cannot Edit current Row
> My code is very simple:
> with DM.qryMItem do
> Begin
> While (not Eof) do
> Begin
> Edit;
> FieldByName('Sales').AsFloat := 0.0;
> Post;
> Next;
> End;
> End;
> What am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Steve Harp
> steve@...