Subject RE: [IBO] Easiest and Cheapest way to convert project
Author Paul Schmidt
On 28 Dec 2000, at 13:01, Art Metz wrote:

To: "''" <>
From: Art Metz <ametz@...>
Date sent: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 13:01:35 -0800
Send reply to:
Subject: RE: [IBO] Easiest and Cheapest way to convert project

Hi Art:

> I assume you've already rejected IBX and the BDE, both of which come
> in the box with Professional? (I'm not advocating either, just want
> to be sure you've considered all the options.)

BDE is similar to the MS Jet engine, it's an 800lb gorilla (actually
Jet is an 1,800lb Gorilla -- 'nuf said), and a lot of the weight
isn't needed, I know I am using a fat client, but if I can trim the
Gorilla to 300lbs I would be happy, besides I don't have the latest
high powered PC, and neither do the customers I am aiming for.

I have heard a lot of things about IBX, and few of them have been
good, so I would rather avoid it. Besides, at this point, money is
tight enough that if I could run with the Delphi desktop version I
would be happy, if I could run with the existing D2 Desktop that I
have, I would be happier still.

> You might also consider using Delphi 3 Professional, rather than 5.
> You should be able to find D3 for very little money; in fact, I
> understand it was bundled with at least one PC magazine based in
> England.

Any idea which British Mag, some of the stores here in Canada tend to
have all of them and the UK has quite a few, many of which tend to be
$20 or more when you converts Pounds to Loonies. If you knew which
mag, I could see if they have a web site (good) and back issues
(better), especially the correct one (best). I found D2 at a $5 bin
at a computer show, bought it before I realised it was the Desktop
one. Often however the version a magazine or book has, either has a
no-commercial use licence, or it's a time limited demo version.
Neither of which cut it.

> > How easy is it to convert from Paradox to IBO? I have about
> > 50 .dfm and .pas files, and 27 tables, in the project.
> If you use the "native" components (TIB_), then you have a lot of work
> to do. TIB_* does not work with Delphi's data-aware controls, and
> does not support persistent fields. Therefore, I recommend that you
> use the TIBO components, which derive from TDataset.

So would D5 Desktop not do it then? If not then I will say it now,
"Oh Crap".

> Having said that, you will find that C/S is different from a desktop
> database. This is true whatever database you use, and whatever
> connectivity model (IBO, IBX, ADO, etc) that you use. You'll need to
> move away from TTables to TQueries and seriously understand the
> different transaction models. Invest the $30 in the "Getting Started"
> guide.

I have experience with a number of C/S databases, I am hunting for
ways to finish this project, before I run out of money on it, and
it's under CDN$400 now, I was kind of hoping to get a $0 licence on
IBO until some money comes in on the project. I don't mind moving to
TQueries, and I have been dealing with various transaction models for

> > Are there any replacements for QuickReports, that are
> > 1) Cheap, 2) Good, 3) Work with IBO.
> Again, if you stick with the TIBO components, you'll have no trouble.
> Ace Reporter is good and cheap. On Torry's web site you'll find
> FastReports, which you might prefer. What did you use for the Paradox
> version?

I used QuickReports, AND I HATE IT, but I have it, and few of the
newer ones work with D2. I will look up Ace and FastReports, and see
which one works better, or at least fits in the budget, quickly
shrinking budget.

> Good luck,

Thanks Art.


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Paul Schmidt [mailto:paul@...]
> > Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 12:46 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: [IBO] Easiest and Cheapest way to convert project
> >
> >
> >
> > I have a project developed in Delphi 2, using Paradox, this needs to
> > be converted to Delphi 5, using a C/S database, I am seriously
> > looking at IB for that, since it is the right price. This will
> > eventually be a commercial product, however as a start-up with few
> > employees (me) and no gazillion dollar IPO in the near future, I
> > need to do this as cheap as possible.
> >
> > I think IBO may be the answer, I can use it with the el-cheapo
> > version of Delphi. How easy is it to convert from Paradox to IBO?
> > I have about 50 .dfm and .pas files, and 27 tables, in the project.
> > Are there any replacements for QuickReports, that are 1) Cheap, 2)
> > Good, 3) Work with IBO. My tools budget here is < $500 CDN at this
> > point.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Paul
> >
> >
> > Paul Schmidt,
> > Tricat Technologies
> > Email: paul@...
> > Website:
> >
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Paul Schmidt,
Tricat Technologies
Email: paul@...