Subject Fw: [IBO] ReportPrinter / ReportBuilder
Author Power Electronics Intl., Inc.
----- Original Message -----
From: Walter Fordham <walter@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: [IBO] ReportPrinter / ReportBuilder

> Is this version daIBO.pas different than the one distributed with
> ReportBuilder 5.51 now?
> Walter Fordham
> SmartQuest Technology, Inc.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Geoff Worboys [mailto:geoff@...]
> Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 6:01 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [IBO] ReportPrinter / ReportBuilder
> Kevin and Roger,
> > > Does the latest version of Digital metaphors
> > > Reportbuilder (V 5.51) still work with the
> > > IBO pipeleine component.
> >
> > No it does not. The IBO Pipeline needs to be rebuilt and I
> > have not had time to look at it.
> I have recently updated the IBOPipeline_Unit.pas and also the
> daIBO.pas units so that they will now compile with RB5.51.
> IMPORTANT: I noticed that Digital Metaphors not only changed unit
> names and class interfaces but also the structure of their report
> files in the 5.5 releases. So be sure you are ready to update all
> your reports before you migrate.
> I sent Jason the updates so I imagine they will appear in the AddOn
> directory of the next full release of IBO. If you want me to send you
> a copy of the changes send me an email privately.
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing