Subject Suggestions for the Search-Panel
Author Kaputnik

I am one real fan of the Search-Panel. It comes especially handy, when I
have to set up a prototype, and the VStudio-Nerds have tears in their eyes,
when I set up a complete app in the same time they need to run the
MFC-wizard for the base-form.

What I would even more like, is to have a search-panel that can be used as
professional solution for my forms.
For now, the SP only sets up edits for every data-tape and checkboxes for
bools, and the two-column-layout is still buggy, so the SP looks a bit
boring, especially for tables with more fields.

What would be great is to have a more data-type-sensitive SP with Spin-edits
for integers and floats and Data-pickers for dates.....
And ,especially, a memo for blobs subtype text.

Also, a form-setting woudl be great to have the edits not only one below the
other but spread around the panel to use the existing place effectively.
I could implement the changes for the different data-types myself (I hope),
but I am definitely not good enough a programmer to do the latter.

Does anybody else like the idea?
What do you think, Jason?

Thanx and
CU, Kaputnik
(Nick Josipovic)

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